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    Does this mean that yesterday's election was beneficial to HRC? If so, does that make her the best candidate in…
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  • If so, it sure does make AG's rants a lot more likely, no? Imagine a neoliberalcon running as a D.…
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  • The whole "Americans have no sense of history" sure is beneficial to the Fascist Party of America, ain't it? Corporate…
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  • Meh. I never thought the Democrats were going to hold onto the Senate. I even asked a few times whether…
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  • I see your tail wagging.
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  • I don't think it would have ruined millions of lives, and ultimately, this Empire is in permanent decline, which many…
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  • Hell, incomes haven't risen with productivity or with GDP since the 1980s. I don't want default, just like I don't…
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  • Look. It's not enough to just get out the registered voters. The Democratic party needs to actually be the liberal,…
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  • People are fucking idiots.
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  • I'll be honest, if Nate Silver or Wang say it's going to be a bad day, I'm going with their…
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  • Good. Democrats should have let the Republicans shut it down and default, as it would have been hung around the…
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  • Open-carry is a joke. That said, I believe that fully automatic weapons should remain 100% legal to anyone not convicted…
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  • One party has its problems, but the other is actively making us worse people who live in a worse country…
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  • The US has been held hostage for the past 6 years. For the next two, it will be blamed entirely…
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  • At worst, 2 more years of gridlock. If we're lucky, the fascists will Impeach Obama in late 2015 and then…
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  • It's hard to tell, to be honest. Atlanta is basically an enclave in the middle of Mississippi. Which is something…
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  • Not nearly as important a story as the US taking further steps down the road to Christian Theocracy. 😛
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  • Voted on Friday here in Atlanta, and took my previously-Republican gf with me, who I've convinced to vote for Dems…
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  • Good. The more pessimistic you are, the more honest you are, about everything. Pessimism is simply stating all of the…
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  • Shorter Joel Mathis: We have to burn the fucking city and state down to the ground in order to save…
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