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    Well, private unions have all but been destroyed over the past 60+ years and we've been left with about 7%…
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  • Sorry, Booman, but even California has to fight the scourge of FireWelfareTM S̶l̶a̶v̶e̶s̶ Prisoners are cheaper than paying the proles…
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  • Pyrrhic victories, likely. I don't think that Democrats can run anyone and win in 2016, and I think the Republican…
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  • When you weaponize the stupid, this usually occurs at some point. Let's hope that the US Constitution, which really was…
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  • Exactly. What was the weather like on election day around the country? Given the low turnout, it wouldn't surprise me…
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  • If he's guilty, punish him. If not, don't...bills of attainder and whatnot.
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  • Cincinnati is right in the middle of the humid subtropical zone and humid continental zone, making Cincinnati weather very odd.…
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  • My first name, with a 1 replacing the i.
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  • Drug screens are only profitable as long as cannabis remains illegal and a reason for not hiring/firing someone. For almost…
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  • Yes. If Democrats stopped being cowards and stood the fuck up for what they ostensibly believe, there are a lot…
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  • Government/US Tax Dollars for R&D...then hand over licensing rights to the highest corporate bidder. Fascism is grand, ain't it?
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  • La Democrats should all vote for the Republican. I would.
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  • Empire's gotta project Empirical strength.
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  • Screw jail time. Put him in one of his own mines and make him work it.
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  • My tribe right or wrong, coupled with cognitive dissonance, projection and faith = Modern Republican Voter.
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  • The amount of money spent on science is a pittance. Any type of exploration that leads to more knowledge and…
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  • How, in this country, we can have so many people viscerally opposed to science, technology, higher education and intellectual pursuits,…
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  • Of course, always lurking behind the red cape of work-from-home, lies a Form-1099-MISC sword. I've had legal jobs where I…
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  • First, they came for the supervisors and I said nothing, because I wasn't a supervisor. Then they came for the…
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  • It would also decrease the crime rate, drug abuse rate, abortion rate, and high-school dropout rate. Which is why it…
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