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    Wow. Just read the original article. You mean there are still Republicans who have both feet planted firmly in objective…
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  • Nothing is sacred. You're right. People kill other people for wealth and power, and then the victims do the same…
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  • You could have called him by any name you like. What would have made his issue medical rather than moral…
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  • Yes. I use it all the time. It's basically where Obama clubs Rmoney over the head with it. It was,…
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  • I've never really spent time looking at the anthrax attacks, but after reading this post, found this site. http://www.newsgarden.org/columns/anthrax/anthraxtargets.shtml Worth…
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  • Perhaps a US President can only really be his/her own President from years 6-8. And of course, the media (oligarchs)…
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  • When you lie, you either lie big, or go home. And after you lie big, you have to keep lying…
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  • It's a mixture of "every man for himself" and conjuring words that delineate the listener as a member of the…
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  • Booman: Save money. Unless you have a rootkit and/or a browser hijacker that prevents you from running the following link,…
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  • It always has been. It's the easiest way to weaponize stupid, as Booman brought up the other day.
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  • Oh, I'm not under the impression that it will be a cakewalk to emigrate. That said, I can speak Spanish…
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  • Once you understand that Republicans simply react to whatever God-hating, America-hating libruuls say by opposing it, you realize that Republicans…
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  • It's a relatively-progressive tropical country that has no interest in killing people it doesn't consider non-Costa Ricans. The very opposite…
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  • Spending money to make money is only worthwhile when you still believe in investment and infrastructure. Costa Rica is looking…
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  • Don't forget about felonious election-law violator Dinesh D'Souza. Anytime a fascist-enabler starts talking about how each and every DemocratTM votes…
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  • Being in (legislative) power too long atrophied Democratic responsiveness to the electorate. Then Reagan and Friends stepped in and knee-capped…
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  • Authoritarians listen to anyone who they feel is a member of their tribe. Otherwise, there wouldn't be a competitive Republican…
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  • If it wasn't for the fact that fascist-lite candidate Landrieu will be making hundreds of thousands of dollars from some…
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  • Republicans are the parasites that are blocking the lymph vessels of government that usually aid in removing excess profits and…
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  • The War on Drugs was a great start, if not the cause.
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