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    Two things: When you shit on people who take mythology to be literally true, you can expect a few nuts…
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  • I'm not for banning guns at all, either. That said, reasonable restrictions and regulations aren't the same as ObamaForAmerica fascists…
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  • If using a Mac, I'm sure there is another key combo or function to find specific text.
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  • Well, I meant that Driftglass covers the whole Journalism "there is a club" thing a lot. Regarding how "journalists, be…
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  • I'm sure you're well aware of the function, but if you're using a Windows machine, CTRL+F and then just type…
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  • Driftglass covers this. There is a club.
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  • Well, I still smile every time I remember that Breitbart died, so it's not just conservative scumbags that take pleasure…
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  • You're the racist for bringing it up, Booman.
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  • Well, I'm a dependable voter, and have been since turning 18. I've been the youngest election judge in Hamilton County,…
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  • Millennials see the US as a country that accomplishes almost nothing, and a place where you either make it big,…
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  • Fuck the FBI.
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  • Fuck the NYPD.
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  • Rubio is a fucking dolt, and Pierce nails it. The fucking dolt can't help but step on rakes. Repeatedly.
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  • Strikethrough text is awesome, no?
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  • This is Cheney saying that he and the CIA weren't complicit in a coup. Nothing more, nothing less. That fucking…
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  • This. It's about the tribe. Don't worry about what,uh, Jesus actually taught. Just look to your bigoted, "Christian" neighbor. He…
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  • Cannabis, good music, and spend time writing. Clear your head.
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  • Depends on what I get to carry into the room.
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  • If we just give this embargo thing another half century, we just might "win"!
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  • At what point do we realize that this isn't going to be addressed in any meaningful way and prepare accordingly?…
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