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    Everyone's metabolism is slightly different, so while codeine and other opiods don't bother me, my mother and my girlfriend cannot…
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  • Opioids slow down your breathing rate regardless of whether you're in pain or not. Ultimately, the main difference between someone…
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  • Gravity doesn't kill you during a fall. It's the strong nuclear force.
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  • As pathetic as it is, don't be fooled by the camera and the editor. The giveaway is that if 'Murrica…
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  • Tomato, tomato. I started to get into the Dead back in '93, as I hit puberty. Love 'em. Never got…
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  • And in 30 years, the fact that any of those people were gay won't even be an asterisk-like fact. They…
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  • It's OK to preach separation of church and state. If you're a Republican.
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  • The popular vote isn't a bad idea at all. Or, live by the Electoral College, die by the Electoral College.…
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  • I didn't read either piece, so perhaps it is answered, but "technological innovation" itself implies value. Yet, the value can…
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  • It's almost like tribalism and hatred of "others" is a very strong attribute of humans that is hard to root…
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  • I'd walk over hot coals to vote to give Texas back to Mexico.
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  • Me, back in November. http://www.boomantribune.com/comments/2014/11/19/16593/265/8#8
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  • Yes, because if the kids today aren't sucking up to fascist cops who are killing them, then it's just tearing…
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  • I'm from Ohio. You pump your own gas unless you go to a Swifty where they'll pump your gas for…
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  • I just played with the local kids in the neighborhood when I was a kid. No money for camp or…
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  • The short answer: Oooga Booga BOO!
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  • Just post a link to Driftglass' shop. He has so thoroughly deconstructed Brooks that he could write a better Brooks…
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  • Does he have a chance at winning? No. Would he be neutered by the center-right parties in Congress? Yes. Would…
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  • Oh, is it about time for Mike Huckabee to come out of retirement and grift a little for Jesus. Ok.
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  • Pain is real and goes untreated a lot more than you think. People aren't getting over-prescribed opoids because they're in…
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