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    90% of the people talking about Trump say he won't be the nominee, as if that's a fact baked into…
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  • Is there any other kind?
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  • Adding guns to a dark, loud environment couldn't go wrong. Especially if some sort of escalation were to occur, and…
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  • As long as addiction is considered different from disease, there will be criminal laws and social stigma attached to a…
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  • That's the price of freedom.
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  • Even better.
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  • Trump destroys the Republican party as a national party if he is the candidate in 2016. No, there aren't enough…
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  • Trump is a problem for the GOP. Please let him be the nominee. To actually witness the GOP dies as…
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  • Readjust your snark meter. It has to be working at max for DXM.
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  • I guess I'm a bigger gambler than most of y'all here. I'd absolutely love for Trump to be the 2016…
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  • No mercy for fascists.
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  • I guess it's just a gamble then. Trump could win and give the base a massive piece of red meat,…
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  • Maybe, but I doubt that Trump could win the general. I'm fairly certain that Trump is only winning with the…
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  • I could only wish that Trump would become the Republican candidate for President in 2016.
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  • Yeah, smoking can be beneficial to Parkinsons. Parkinsons disease is related to a decrease in the neurotransmitter Dopamine, whereas the…
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  • Pharmacogenomics exist and is looking for more tailored medicines based on DNA and metabolism. And the new gold standard for…
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  • With ADD/ADHD, a part of the brain that should be functioning to "control" behavior isn't working particularly well, and the…
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  • A congress full of Bernie Sanders would be wonderful. Imagine politics actually working on issues instead of working on campaign…
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  • That's a feature, not a bug. Capitalism = Freedom
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  • Cannabis is medicine. Full stop.
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