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    You're basically yelling at someone who is asking someone else a question.
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  • This. I love Bernie Sanders' positions on a lot of issues, but I think HRC destroys whomever she runs against.…
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  • Shorter Ribble: That Trump guy is saying everything we believe, but he's saying it out loud, on camera, and not…
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  • This, all election long. The reason why I don't care about what Ribble said is that Trump isn't saying anything…
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  • Do you pay US taxes? If so, you're a part of it. I think the actual disconnect here between yourself…
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  • I think Driftglass fuckin' nails it with this post from 2006. http://driftglass.blogspot.com/2006/09/reactionary.html What has happened is that the base is…
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  • I don't mean genetic testing so much as testing the drug by starting low and titrating up slowly so that…
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  • Not that there aren't nurses who use, but you can always bring unused/expired meds to a hospital or acute setting…
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  • If I had to blame any one actor for the problem, I'd have to blame the system itself that doesn't…
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  • I'm not sure why anyone thinks that Trump is definitely going to implode, at least to the extent that he…
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  • I mean, seriously, does anyone think that Jeb...BUSH...ever had a real chance at anything? Seriously, there is literally almost no…
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  • I agree with this. Driftglass makes the argument that the BigLie of all big lies is that Both Sides Do…
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  • Trump as the Republican nominee literally kills the GOP dead as a national party. I'm OK with that. The only…
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  • The US has been a fascist state since at least 1947. It's clearly an oligarchy now. By clearly, I mean,…
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  • Read Kevin Drum in re. lead and gasoline. http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2013/01/lead-crime-link-gasoline
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  • A sterile colostomy bag? Why not?
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  • The librul media strikes again!
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  • When I first saw that ad, I knew how powerful it was. Eerie and to the point. Rmoney singing about…
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  • 6 years? You mean 36 years?
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  • I never get tired of speaking of Operation Ajax, the 1953 coup by the US and UK that deposed a…
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