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    That picture is months old, but it is pretty awesome looking.
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  • Hmm, I might have to do that myself. Great plan. I'm tellin' ya, the easiest way to move this country…
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  • Would it make me a bad person to become a faux racist while putting on a good "but I'm not…
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  • Seriously. It's projection. All the way down.
  •  View post
  • Instead of creating a billionaire AA, how about creating a few million middle class AAs? That's where I'd start, but…
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  • It's projection, all the way down.
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  • What if we're just more conscious versions of the highest predators of the Permian era? What if all of this…
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  • There's nothing else to add, really. I think you nailed it.
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  • I remember reading somewhere that people tend to apologize to other people when the other person, for example, is the…
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  • In a heartbeat. Driverless cars can't come soon enough. Drunk driving, hit-n-runs, falling asleep at the wheel, preventable accidents, over-reactions...all…
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  • Just think: Everything we're living through now has resulted from  early 20th century carbon output, what with the lag and…
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  • Driftglass has deconstructed Brooks in totality. I'm fairly certain Driftglass could write a better Brooks post than Brooks.
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  • Jesus, why do special mythologies garner special privileges? And when I said Jesus above, I wasn't trying to garner special…
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  • The Wire was great. Definitely one of my favorite shows ever.
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  • At least Kennedy sided with the lesser evil this time.
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  • I still support Israel as a country, but I also support Palestine. Between the two, I don't favor one over…
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  • Yes, the DemocratTM party is based off of the Nazis. Hitler was so pro-gay, pro-religious minority, and pro-labor that Democrats…
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  • You're hilarious. Keep it up.
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  • Where are your links, or should I just trust your PhD in climatology as-is?
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  • The only way to use it against them is to carpet bag their identities/tribe identification. Otherwise you're an outsider and…
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