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    The answer, of course, is socialism. Go ahead and apply that answer to pretty much any economic question. Next.
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  • The US isn't post-pacial. The US is Post-Traumatic. Stockholm Syndrome, even. We have to violate people's rights in order to…
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  • What a moran.
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  • We're getting there, as our oligarchs want. Low voter turnout, low voter trust in government, crazies getting elected and being…
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  • Well, which one do you think cools faster? Tea and coffee may have a different amount/size of colloids in them,…
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  • Wouldn't the molarity of the liquid determine the differences in heat loss? Does one have tinier/more colloids than the other?…
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  • I'm fairly sure only Texans and bandwagoners like the Cowboys.
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  • "Government is the Entertainment division of the military-industrial complex." -Frank Zappa That would make the CIA the President and CEO…
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  • Christofascists.
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  • adaware up!
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  • As awful as it sounds, non-violent protests really only work when people are brutalized and killed, over and over. Only…
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  • But since Democrats aren't going out of their way to ensure that white men have it better than minorities and…
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  • They hate us because of our freedoms... to torture whomever we want without having to worry about legal prosecution.
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  • And all ban premarital sex, but the Muslims are the only ones who will stone you to death or behead…
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  • The mid-to-late 1940s, is how I'd answer. The end-game, which is what a lot of our Masters are aiming for,…
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  • Republicans and Charlie Pierce both know that the real governmentin' gets done at the state level. Unfortunately, most Democrats, who…
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  • If we're talking 2014 election results, it is negligent to fail to mention that only ~37% of the electorate showed…
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  • Good luck and be safe. Thanks for your civic contribution! It's not easy to put yourself in the line of…
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  • Your costs may have come down, but don't forget about all of the DeathPanels that are out there stalking grandmothers…
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  • Not trying to suck up, but I know you made some entries when Booman was out. I think you need…
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