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    Wait. You mean a politician is playing...politics... No fucking shit! Marc Thiessen collects a paycheck? Seriously? Can I get the…
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  • Making drugs illegal is often tied to racism. Have a minority group that uses a particular drug and want to…
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  • The House has voted to repeal the ACA 50+ times now. Remember: Republicans aren't concerned with governing. They are concerned…
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  • God works in mysterious ways.
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  • Rmoney never had a chance. I believe that the polling even shows that regardless of debate 1, Rmoney was peaking.…
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  • Conservatives constantly talk about cutting taxes for the rich while cutting spending for everyone else, have crippled the state of…
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  • Nine-eleven.
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  • Well, nurses shouldn't be treated like nurses, if you view it as pejorative. It's the nurse who takes care of…
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  • There are decent ones, but a lot of them are just plain old assholes.
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  • Only from homosexual sex that somehow involves man-on-dog sex.
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  • If we can just get socialists in other important positions, maybe we can start using actual evidence  rather than deference…
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  • Corporations are no longer required to help the public good. They are required to distribute profits to shareholders. Ultra Vires…
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  • Corporations need to be brought to heel. One of the easiest ways to do that would be to require, by…
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  • What a dick.
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  • The billionaire candidate will definitely stay bought.
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  • Remember: Brooks doesn't write columns. He arranges piles. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/31/opinion/brooks-the-sidney-awards-part-2.html?smid=tw-nytdavidbrook s&seid=auto&_r=1& With a mandatory Driftglass link: http://driftglass.blogspot.com/2013/12/david-brooks-talks-to-todays-youth.html
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  • Never going to happen. Ever. Way too many guns, and people would hide them if there was ever a law…
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  • Fascists want the people to be confused, and want them to sit out elections. They depend on it, even.
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  • I know you don't particularly want HRC as President, and I don't either, but would you support a HRC/Brown ticket?…
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  • *Now = Not Please add an Edit button!
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