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    Sure, he was also the "first African-American president" and had his sister souljah moment. And even he was fought constantly…
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  • The "increased" racism from electing Obama is just an artifact of a whole lot of racists feeling strength in numbers…
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  • Conservatives are ardent tribalists, and Obama doesn't look like a white man. If Obama wore a (R) after his name,…
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  • Feature, not a bug.
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  • I was about to say, at least they didn't come out with NWA's Fuck The Police playing. Oh, by the…
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  • The left doesn't know how to restart wage growth because the Republican party won't allow the government to increase wage…
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  • I think HRC can win against just about any Republican. Not that I want to vote for her, or that…
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  • What America truly needs is generations of Clintons! and Bushs! to continually run against each other for President. Perhaps every…
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  • Hard cases make bad law. Learned that early on. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_cases_make_bad_law
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  • We're all very excited about your opinion. Keep on supporting soldiers pretending to be cops who shoot first.
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  • Fuck off bigot.
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  • Sometimes the House Slaves are worse than the Master.
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  • Typically, the fact that a Grand Jury is convened means that the Prosecutor wants to take it to trial...otherwise, there…
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  • Rural voters won't go Democratic because Rural Voters aren't multicultural. Period. This goes back to the Roman Republic. What needs…
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  • Why do you ferrenerrs always gotta trot out your non-US media sources? I just want to read about how much…
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  • I'll say this again. The only winning side we have is getting our military, weapons and money out of there.…
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  • Maybe the solution is to kindly ask the fighters to wear a "Moderate" or "Radical" uniform! Then we can use…
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  • I'm pretty sure that most NFL fans who aren't Cowboys fans hate the Cowboys. Americas team my ass. I don't…
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  • I don't think so. The analysis offered is pretty clear to what Booman has been saying for awhile now. And…
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  • I'm a northerner living in Atlanta. I f-ing love Sherman. Awesome General, awesome man. I always make sure to point…
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