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    I think January of this year was also very warm in regards to the records, while here in the states…
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  • Now, some people say, that our policies only help the poor and leave the working and middle classes to pay…
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  • My hope is that we're nearing the tipping point, and that perhaps 2016 will be when Republicans lose their power…
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  • You could add Costa Rica, depending on your sense of adventure.
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  • O'Malley/Brown 2016 I could be comfortable with that.
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  • Record-low trust in government, a broken political system, and a deeply disillusioned public. Gee, I wonder why there is record-low…
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  • The traffic was terrible because everywhere let out at noon, and then the snow fell. Regular roads were bad in…
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  • Oh yeah, absolutely. I think from 1945+, the United States government became a fascist country, simply as an extension of…
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  • I don't always agree with AG about politics, but he sees most of the problems that are usually forbidden to…
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  • I'd argue that 1949 is simply the start of US Empire 2.0. I'd also argue that 1947 and onward was…
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  • That sounds horrible. At least it was warm enough to get out and do something other than just sitting in…
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  • My tribe, right or wrong. The US Government counts Israel as a member of the tribe, along with the UK,…
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  • I never said someone accidentally clicked the fire button and shot down a jet. I'm saying it was probably a…
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  • Most likely some group of masked morons used a missile system they shouldn't have, and now everyone is trying to…
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  • It's also the first cousin of what is going on in Syria/Iraq. Playing empire sure does cause a lot of…
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  • If businesses didn't hire illegal immigrants, there wouldn't be an illegal immigrant working in any part of the United States.…
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  • Did they do what on purpose? Kill Palestinians on a beach? Yes, of course they did. Just another step forward…
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  • The Israelis learned, first hand, that to get away with genocide, you have to do it very, very slowly. This…
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  • Wait. You mean the perpetually-spittle-flecked are going into hyper-rage about something that doesn't exist? File this in the July 16th…
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  • This is what happens when a major political party operates always to keep its supporters down in the muck, never…
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