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    The illegal immigration problem stems from the fact that business here in the United States actively recruits people from Mexico…
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  • Yes, the but the shill in question derives their income from the industry that kills those poors and browns in…
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  • For the right-winger who doesn't mind killing others in far-away lands, you'll never get through. Especially those who literally brag…
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  • It would be absolutely terrible if it happened, but it wouldn't kill most Americans, or even a substantial amount of…
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  • Just to scare you a little more, the event that has happened relatively recently and will happen again is a…
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  • O'Malley sounds better than Hillary!, but if they don't destroy each other, maybe they'll eventually work together. Ultimately, the USSC…
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  • People's Front of Judea v. Judean People's Front Redux.
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  • What are the long-term chances that Iraq remains one country? The US owes Iraq reparations for the war crimes it…
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  • Nothing new under the sun. In Islam, the concept is called Takfiri. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takfiri The documentary "The Power of Nightmares" discusses…
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  • Dismissed due to standing/Political Question at District Court level. Appealed to keep the rabble enraged and granted cert. Remanded to…
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  • First, he must show that he has standing to sue, and then he must show that HHS abused their discretion.…
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  • Well, if they can get away with it just long enough they can effectively commit genocide / ethnic cleansing on…
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  • And those rockets were fired because Israelis killed Palestinians. And those Israelis killed Palestinians because Palestinians kill Israelis. And those…
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  • Nothing makes a tribe more coherent and controllable than the mass killing of another tribe. See: Bible, Old Testament. See…
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  • Playing Empire with force engorges the brains of authoritarians like nothing else. If the US and it's vassal can go…
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  • I'm no RonRand Inc. 2016 supporter, but I have no problem believing that almost everyone in the House of Representatives…
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  • *Unless Impeachment means a GOTV for Democrats. Remember all the voter suppression laws passed and mostly struck from 2010-2012 that…
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  • Democrats offer crusty, stale bread. Republicans offer circuses. And round and round we go.
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  • What makes this possible lawsuit funny is that there will be BUSINESSES that will file amicus curiae briefs on the…
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  • I don't think amusing means what you think it means. Also: fuck Texas.
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