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    Those were hilarious.  The second verse inspired me to post a response. Penius?  Am I reading the comments at No…
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  • When I think of Miles Davis, I also think of Herbie Hancock, who was his keyboardist.  Here is Hancock playing…
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  • I know just the drink theme for The Grateful Dead.  Take it away Tipsy Bartender! Perfect for 420. The Liquid…
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  • With this title, the diary needs one more image. Now it's complete.
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  • Great, now I actually have to follow through.  That's some New Year's Resolution!
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  • I'm friends with David Neiwert on Facebook and have been reading Orcinus for nearly a decade, so I'm very familiar…
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  • That's sad to read, but I don't have to travel back to L.A. to see that.  I live in the…
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  • For me, the movie I want to watch about our shared former hometown (or at least, metro area) would be…
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  • Since you posted music from a post-apocalyptic science fiction film, (in fact, the Best Science Fiction Film of 2006 at…
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  • I had a feeling the pre-iframe YouTube embed code would work and it looks like you have recreated it. Now…
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  • So we both used to live in southern California?  Small world (and not the ride with the earworm as background…
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  • I haven't been to Disney World since 2003 and had been there only once before in 1994 or 1995.  I…
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  • Good luck to all the Democratic candidates down there in your red state, especially in your district.
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  • Happy Festivus, time for airing of grievances and feats of strength!  Today, I'm going to recycle last year's theme, airing…
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  • I'll do my best to consider the choices available and pick the best one from among them.  After all, I…
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  • LOL and ick, Pete Hoekstra.  I'm embarrassed to admit that he's from Michigan.  Worse yet, he served in Congress for…
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  • This makes me sad.  Just the same, thanks for the complement on my handling of what is hopefully not the…
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  • So it looks like I'm occupying a niche that would otherwise be empty.  To me, that means that I should…
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  • I hope a solution is found, too.  Not being able to post videos is an inconvenience for me, as my…
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  • No, the real-life Marie Antoinette in this Adminstration is Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's wife Louis Linton, who actually played Marie…
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