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    I use Firefox to post here and had no problems posting videos until yesterday.  Now, I get a similar kind…
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  • Then I click on a diary and get logged back in again without typing in my userid and password.
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  • Thank you.  Looking forward to posting another of these when the software issues are fixed (I can't imagine one of…
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  • I'm also being logged out every few minutes.
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  • I had trouble posting an embedded YouTube video.  I got a Securi Firewall screen saying that a cross-site scripting code…
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  • Unfortunately, I can't embed the video, Andra Day - Stand Up For Something feat. Common [Official Music Video]. "Stand Up…
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  • "Can you show me a before and after example?" Here is the text of the unedited embed code of the…
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  • Here's the video. The problem is that YouTube recently added the attributes gesture="media" and allow="encrypted-media" to its embed code, which…
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  • I'll drink to Jones winning, too.
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  • In keeping with the environmental theme, tonight's drink is Earth Day Ocean Water. 1 ½ oz. (45ml) Coconut Vodka ¾…
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  • Cool!  I wouldn't mind becoming a rotating host for the lounge.  I like being both DJ and bartender.  May I…
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  • Sure, I'll post one this week while you and your family get well.  I have the theme, music, and videos…
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  • BTW, I missed you posting a "Midweek Cafe and Lounge" last week so badly I left a "wine, women, and…
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  • Thanks for reminding me of his part in "Fahrenheit 911."  That was one of his best moments in the 21st…
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  • I'm celebrating the completion of your painting with a lively video with Utah landscapes as a background. Looking forward to…
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  • There was no "Midweek Cafe and Lounge" posted this week and I so missed posting my wine, women, and song…
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  • Thinking of this action as part of imposing the Shock Doctrine didn't occur to me, so my hat's off to…
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  • I'm glad you did your part to help this diary entry catch on by recommending it.  The second part did…
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  • To turn both the House and Senate completely over to proportional representation, you're right; it would require a constitutional amendment.…
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  • Venturing beyond Utah, here is "National Parks from the air," although there is still a clip of Bryce Canyon in…
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