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    This event didn't exactly brighten my Mother's Mother's Day weekend. My brother and I finally drifted into the home town…
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  • at all costs!!!
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  • my BT B&B is in eastern ND, about 90 mile N of Fargo and  that area she was asking about,…
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  • missed your post, how'd that happen.Anyway, around here we say skunks instead of rats. Back when Sven Triloquist was posting…
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  • you've been here about as far back as I can remember... I told thereisnospoon last night that all you guys…
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  • the one with "I survived the Bush Administration, so far", been too nippy here lately to wear it, but I…
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  • you ain't talkin' 'bout me are ya? ROFLMAO
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  • My bed is completely covered with travel bags, magazines,  newspapers, etc that I moved to vacuum today. I need to…
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  • and it looks like that will work fine. I just lose a little of the right hand side edge.
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  • I think is one to remember. Wouldn't have occurred to me to shoot flower and up at that angle to…
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  • 404KB, just hit download, go make some breakfast...
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  • but I'm fading. I'm not quite back to my usual nightowl stamina, and lots to do tomorrow, so I'm saying…
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  • up close and personal. There's definitely much more detail in the emailed version. The BT version was just a great…
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  • OK, I'll see if I can get it together to send you a representative sample. It was done in wordperfect…
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  • it might just be what initiates a restart of some sort on that.
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  • out of that and email it off to you. The "catch" the last few years has been the current MS…
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