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    at the Fargo Street Fair, just to keep my resistance up for when I'm away from home, and can't find…
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  • the return of souls from the off-booman nebulae-day! So to celebrate all the above, here's a "what is it" photo
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  • who used to peck on the downspouts, in the spring, at sunrise, rotating around the house to all four corners...…
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  • as we say here in rural ND, "wouldn't touch that one with a ten foot pole." And, ah, MsNDD ain't…
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  • particularly if you understand Morse code...
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  • I got that one, but don't feel bad, sometimes it takes me three days... not 3 times.
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  • decades; it's that all women are unique! Not, of course, similarly unique... ah... but... uniquely unique!
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  • I was born and raised on gravel roads, so I knew enough to pull way over to the side and…
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  • well, ahem, while Andi's attempt at being IndyLib was certainly appreciated... it in no way came close to... what shall…
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  • You've jogged a memory today, I'm somewhere on the Alan highway on the way back to ND from Palmer,AK after…
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  • I like the Homer Scream... creative minds at work, pretty amazing!! However, here's the original The Scream by Norwegian painter…
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  • what kind of smoke...
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  • You've just made my day with your reappearance!! The emails I've been writing to you are still in my head,…
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  • Well, now ya got me salivating!!! They've got some tools I've never even seen before, wow! Might even energize me…
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  • I don't yet, but how about those who do have one burn a DVD for distribution to one's circle of…
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  • here I don't remember seeing these guys, so I must be out of their normal range. I think if I…
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  • Bird Songs and calls
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  • next time AndiF!!!  Great that the birds showed up. They're wonderful entertainment. Are you set up for some photos... that…
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  • At first I thought it was a satellite photo... but of what??? Neat! I'm always getting new ideas from you…
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  • Another great shot, fun to see your view of nature. Re: Great Goddess, this weather! We haven't had a real…
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