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    to get either House or Senate I expect the national D party to be finished. It may take a few…
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  • Some day when I'm feeling especially stalwart I'll pay a visit to the lair of the orangemen, see what vibes,…
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  • And double-wow. Fascinating from a number of different perspectives... Thanks for the link!
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  • is very easy to take for granted. It's sometimes difficult to break out of one's cultural bubble (provincial thinking), and…
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  • I'd like that plate any time of the day, breakfast, lunch, dinner; or if you're in the boonies, then it's…
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  • as I have heard him at a rally here when he was running for the nomination. And I heard John…
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  • dang, I just knew you catch me... sooner or later, hah! [not ranked, although I would put Bucky first] 1.…
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  • I'll order an omelet, with lots of feta, artichokes, green peppers... I really hope you FBC has an omelet maker.…
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  • last night who had some very interesting things to say about the Iraq, US lifestyles, our prison system, etc. See…
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  • it doesn't flow quite like I'd want it to, but we go to blog with the brain we got not…
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  • error message
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  • I read Gene Sharp's three-volume work first. I found Robert Helvey's On Strategic Nonviolent Conflict: Thinking About the Fundamentals to…
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  • 94,300 entries for "headless squirrels" who'd a thunkit?
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  • I avoid walking under ladders, and I knock on wood alot, but no talismans, or taliswomen.
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  • that a single battle is the whole war." - maryb2004 I agree, and imo, the great weakness that we on…
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  • I was seriously thinking it was time for a little brunch, but... btw google shows 314,000 entries for "headless rats"…
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  • tears  
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  • on abduction of journalist Jill Carroll, see riverbend
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  • Would the thug nickle be worth more or less than a wooden nickel?
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  • somehow I missed the word "find" in that post????
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