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    that about covers it Andi; It seem general impressions of individual bloggers natures linger more brightly in the memory, vs…
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  • I sincerely believe that at some point the viability of the national Democrat Party will be threatened a third party…
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  • we're trying to figure out how to get Rep Pomeroy (D), (well more like 1/2 D and 1/2 R) to…
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  • I've probably spent 90% of my winters here in ND, and while we've a ways to go, this one seems…
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  • I have to admit I was stumped for a while on that one... but I'll not admit to how long...
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  •    Vun Sunday, last summer, Ole (oh-lee) and Lina (lee-na) ver sittin' in da keetchen havin' coffee and donuts talkin'…
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  • I have had the good fortune to work with a couple hundred Mexican immigrants for a year in N CA…
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  • Apologies to IndyLib!!! I see where a guy could get himself in some serious trouble mixing memory fragments from past…
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  • We may yet learn something from what rises south of El Norte. So far it seems they are doing better…
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  • and other than a few hours of sunlight on Dec 26, we've had this same weather for almost two weeks...…
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  • What boran2 said!
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  • a link would help those of us who happen to be on dialup today...
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  • I'll hazard a guess. Whoever heard about it probably didn't believe it was a true offer. My state's newspapers often…
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  • felt my nose tickling so thought I'd best come back to the FBC to see what's up. Here in my…
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  • none here either since the afternoon of Dec 26, when we had a couple of hours of it. Tooks some…
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  • During the of the reign of Bush II, I've felt an obligation to make an assessment as to how I…
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  • Doesn't a vision of what-can-be precede the actualization? Thanks for keeping one positive vision alive. If enought of us believe…
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  • ejmw, I was following your discussion with Gooserock in the last cafe, which is difficult for me to load now,…
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  • so will the real nightowls stand up and be counted?
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