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    Here ya go then Bath Tub Gin    
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  • Yeah, but now, due to popular request, they've set up the martini bar in the bathroom... ha ha ha
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  • is a necessity for making the change possible. Some may scoff at this attempt, but through the sum total of…
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  • hey, dada, great logo! Actually I've already switched. I should be in possession of 2 six packs of same by…
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  • too lazy to run downstairs and look. Actually I tried it a couple of weeks ago. Tasted great for the…
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  • Once upon a time I did const mgmt for a couple I knew. Suezette, says, "I want the tile floor…
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  • Don't forget the web-cam... should be some way we could all be there in holographic virtual reality...  
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  • Hey, I was doing pretty well with the vision thing 'til I got to those parentheses - large hot tub/jacuzzi,…
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  • this drink. Anyone else tried it yet? Like it or not?    
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  • siping a martini in the bathroom... Coffee and beer, maybe, but martinis... what preytell were you thinking????
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  • when did you say the BooTrib B&B would be open for visitors?" Funny thing, seriously, I was just thinking about…
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  • then I think you'd like these guys Yonder Mountain String Band They packed the Fargo Theatre last fall. And I…
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  • not using the f word under those circumstances... we'll put a gold star up for you, ha!
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  • Great idea, I may have to try that myself. Probably looks better on the monitor than the 8 x 12,…
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  • cool? Looks like you're only ready for a two-dog night, unless you got a spare dog somewhere!
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  • vun bison burger coming up! Ya want tea (herb or "real" tea), fair-trade coffee, chai, or since it's past noon,…
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  • Sadly... no, d'goot lort vusn't kvite dat yenerous!! Most of the snow fell south of I-94 and into SD. Travel…
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  • on the re-reading of that line "...running around..." I see you've all shown great restraint in not delving into the…
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  • or tiptoeing through the tulips... hmmm, Indy, ya just may have to cut back a tad on the caffeine... them…
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  • How could that be possible?!!! Actually that be a sunrise photo, I shall endeavor to be more specific as to…
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