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    great photo... ah hem... I had to make a spectacle out of myself to see Venus. I'm amazed it showed…
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  • It's just amazing no one died. Hopefully those three youngsters will be well soon. Seems like the news of catastrophes…
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  • Seems they knocked down a corner post, and the rest was history. Most likely the fence system needed some work,…
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  • as a herd of 75 bison remained loose for a second day. Evening news said that they were back in…
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  • Dontchaknow, that new technology, digital imagery, taps directly into the collective consciousness of the state's native born population wherein resides…
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  • Good Morning, but I've got to go to the printer for some 8x10s, see you later.
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  • Yeah, well, at least your state exists!, which is a whole lot more than can be said about mine.
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  • Thanks for this diary. I do believe we will be needing some inspiration from the past to assist us in…
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  • you ain't the only one, that's for sure. The question for myself has been how to redirect neg energies to…
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  • Hah! And here I thought I'd heard them all!!
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  • seems to be affecting one of my Sens (Conrad) and definitely my sole Rep (Pomeroy), and no doubt several other…
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  • Thanks for the links to Helen, and Dionne. I'll see that they're as widely distributed to Ds here as is…
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  • is becoming more and more evident by the day. The likely renewal of the Patriot Act being but one of…
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  • Thanks for this latest info on Latin America. News of  current events south of the US border is near to…
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  • Thanks, I'm always looking for new ideas with regards to storing the prints. I find my 35mm(s) don't seem to…
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  • I've been using an HP 7550, works fine for most things, but after 6 months on a bulletin board, (not…
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  • for a report on potential risks to human health from hormones this pdf looks very interesting. Looks like lots of…
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  • Ralgro  used to be popular with beef producers here in ND. I do not know how prevalent it is now.…
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  • I keep clicking on the red square... ya musta forgot the link...
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  • More - Poems by Eugene McCarthy Here THE MAPLE TREE The maple tree that night Without a wind or rain…
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