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    You got it! They're really feisty, chasing off the nuthatches, chickadees, goldfinches, but they don't stick around long when the…
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  • They're in the finch family if'n ya got a bird book. This site has a great photo which you can…
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  • arrived on the deck for the oil sunflowers. I've seen them here before, but never at the feeder. (I'll try…
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  • I woke up around 4:40 AM to see mamma deer and two youngins about six feet from my bedroom window.…
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  • Great Points Andif. It continues to amaze me how many of us here on BT were involved in the protest…
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  • I still don't understand why he went along with Bush. Wasn't there some news a while back on Blair headed…
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  • You've got great advice. American Friends Service Committee, AFSC Here was a great help to many would be COs during…
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  • See email I just sent.
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  • I second DT's recommendation. It would be wise to investigate all the ramifications of the CO process.
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  • I second the motion!
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  • For all the bluster, almost all the guys I know are a whole lot more shy than they let on.…
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  • OK, here goes. I'd say it could be either way, depending... which tells you nothing, obviously,(too many unknowns)but I will…
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  • "...camera is on hallucinagens!" Now there's a thought. I'll try that quote on a couple friends from the good ol'…
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  • The more hierarchical the government (or organization) the more subject it is to nonviolent action methods. Hierarchies have "pillars of…
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  • "Did I hear you're setting up a BooTrib B and B so we can visit?" Yah, you betcha! But at…
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  • Great Posts here thanks for clarifying the resolutions, some of the reps had a hard time keeping track of what…
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  • I forget which one it was but one of the wingnuts was going on about our "boys" and "girls". I'd…
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  • I saw that on CSPAN. It was just amazing. Thought I was watching the House of Commons on the BBC…
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  • Free music here last night at the coffee shop across from the historic, art deco,Fargo Theater   currently playing: March…
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  • looks more like a BBC report from the British commons.   see CSPAN don't know if this is live or…
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