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    don't know if this is live or repeat but our House of Rep is sounding like the UK's parliament today.…
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  • SE View at Sunset The white specks on the horizon are cooperative grain elevators in two small cities about 25…
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  • I had to pour several buckets of hot water over my outlet for the sump pump as the outlet was…
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  • I forgot to say I get a kick out of methods of the nuthatches and the woodpeckers. They just have…
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  • The bluejay was too smart for me to get a photo, but these guys below showed some appreciation for the…
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  • Great Diary, Thanks. We are at the point where a Vision is essential! When I read Imagining Argentina by Lawrence…
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  • Sign me in too!
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  • "My only hope for the future at this point is that it is getting harder and harder to keep such…
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  • Thanks for the clarification. Looks like I'll have to print this one out, as sometimes my brain is not patient…
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  • Thanks, it's always good to have a refresher course even when one thinks he knows what it's all about. Under…
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  • I was thinking, yeah, if they're anything like "our" neocons then hopefully they're all floating belly-up.
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  • "...if it is too cold you can always put on more clothes." True to some extent, but actual human survival…
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  • "There's a sentence I don't see very often." Yeah, you can say that again. Come Jan-Feb furryjester might have a…
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  • Thanks for the compliment on the photo. Since others have been so kind also, I'm about to do a 8X10…
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  • I love the prairie, born and raised here, lived in the mountains of N CA for several years, saw much…
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  • I can almost feel my fingers now. It's so hard to type when you can't tell if your fingers are…
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  • Ooouuuch! Oh, well, I guess winter has officially arrived here in the nort'land. Blogging from the boonies today (dialup), so…
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  • I have saved diaries to my MSWord files. I would think that would be a great way for any of…
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  • with this administration for another 3 years, and we can't work with them without becoming complicit." This is not necessarily…
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  • The Case for Impeachment, Booman. I am intending to send this diary's URL to my master email list. Hopefully your…
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