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    President Bush is visiting the hurricane-ravaged region for the first time in three months.
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  • going since the 2004 election loss." - maryb2004 Be sure to let me know if you discover an antidote for…
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  • brief definitions, por favor? My father farmed with horses, and he's still running the snowblower down his driveway. Wonder how…
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  • But wtf "they"ve already got my name down from that last go 'round a few decades back...  now they can…
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  • I do believe there is hope for success in regaining democracy here in our republic. But only if we inform…
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  • That's fine as long as someone else is driving.
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  • I mentioned that to Katiebird last night after you turned in early, ha!
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  • So that's it for tonight's comment. It's great. And definitely worth seeing.
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  • just got back from seeing Brokeback Mountain. Great movie. We're still in the after-movie discussion stage. So that's it. It's…
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  • reminds me I need to do backup soon. btw MsNDD and I saw Capote last night, we both thought it…
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  • OMG I must have really missed something important then... but ha ha, ya got a chuckle out of me I…
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  • that would explain quite a lot of R behavior
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  • I gotta start gittin' up earlier in the day!
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  • ah!!! much better! See you in the next cafe
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  • hey, don't be so loquacious!!!
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  • gone all day, missed live blogging, missed CSPAN, so my question: are ya hearing any rumblings as to filibuster on…
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  • amateur, eh? Great, that's a load of my mind... You guys had me seriously concerned that I was totally out…
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  • I was out of town today, so I'm just reviewing the comments now. But I do have several pages dog…
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  • State of War, The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration presents great views on this as he…
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  • I sure hope this is temporary break... we all need that now and then...
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