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    picture # 1, before viagra foliar feeding picture # 2, after viagra foliar feeding
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  • but what to do with the withdrawal symptom? That be the ?
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  • without your comment, thanks for the reminder. I'm liking how this knowledge is cycling back to me, ha!
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  • looks like flash was on!
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  • seems like the flash was on. And now that I look at it the yellow is quite bright relative to…
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  • it was fairly bright out even though the sun was behind a thin overcast. To be absolutely sure I'd have…
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  • experience I had with something like this that I got in N CA some years back. I hardly ever get…
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  • SedumGrisbachii larger
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  • now you've got my mind just whirling away with pregnant creativity...
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  • in the recent comment section. Left me scratching my head, but very curious to click on parent... I mean very…
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  • And I do recall you were on of the FBC regulars when I first started hanging out here. Nice to…
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  • since the BBQ last Saturday, ha! But a couple of my very favorite friends, DW a woman I've known through…
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  • Chinese railing  ?
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  • actually he was a band teacher in local high schools before retirement, so ya, teaching is in his blood for…
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  • fine now, but missed my exit off I-29 this morning on the way to the cafe, then drove by the…
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  • Started out with somewhat of a bang though with a wake up call at 9:46AM, "meet me at the Cajun…
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  • I've learned something this week anyway, ha!
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  • or in this case the hay mow.
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  • as I mentioned below I seem to have met my match in nightowl-ism.
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  • you young whippersnappers done outlasted my tonight! I'm gonna hit the had before anything else starts hurtin' Since the last…
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