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    Did ya tell C to hold your ankels as you lean out the upper window so you could get that…
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  • I've got the good kind of feeling tired, spent the day mostly outdoors doing physical work. And had a 78F…
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  • here this a probably a whole lot easier if I haven't screwed up somehow.
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  • Had a coyote howl just minutes ago, that'll raise the hair on the back of your neck if it's fairly…
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  • Did ya find my email from several days back with the link to my answer to your ND ?s
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  • I could use a hookah 'round about now. but there blue tortilla chips, hummus, and hot sauce will have to…
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  • but dang, have to wait till return to the city computer system. Yeah, I've been missing the late night activity,…
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  • with the bench and bookcase gets a thumbs up with MS NDD. So we'll likely go that route on that…
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  • will soon be yours. I used to be involved in the RE business, seemed like nothing but continuous nightmares for…
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  • I'm still working on the demo part of deck project, not fun, sawzalling makes one's teeth chatter, not my favorite…
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  • Hasn't been time yet to run them past her... too much going on around here... people coming and going... etc.…
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  • that's one of my favorites... I'll be curious to see what you think of his format. Hi dada, I'm busy…
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  • Well, I feel about the best now as I have all day. About 11:30AM I was exhausted after having mixed…
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  • got most of our little garden in, mowed the yard, poured concrete to hold a couple of posts that will…
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  • that spine tingling conversation with Izzy about LOST, but when that ended the both of ya just vaporized into the…
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  • "old timers" disease... Ms NDD will be glad to hear that!!!
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  • If you'd a filmed that one ya could've retired after the run on Worlds Funniest Videos, ha! Got your email...…
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  • Had some difficulty yesterday morning... I went into the Post Office to get some stamps. I say, "I need thirty…
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  • see you on the flip side.
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