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    So forgive me but I'm going to escape for a while and spend my time watching the NFL draft this…
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  • If she has "proven" anything so far in her political career, it is that she possesses a combination of political…
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  • Interesting post.  Thank you.
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  • Whatever happened to "We do not deal with terrorists"? I guess the statute of limitations on the 200-odd victims of…
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  • Well, the tofu stuff is hardly a problem.  The whole-grains, hippie clothes, etc... you know, I think I can handle…
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  • That whole "Class Matters" site ought to be required reading. I recently decided to cut down my involvement with a…
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  • What worries me, though, is that these middle-class college-track kids are being imbued with some fundamentally sick values (that they're…
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  • It's these kids who are going to be the ones who will be ripe for the neo-Marxism, the religious fundamentalist…
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  • I dare anyone who's going to these conferences, to work out a manifesto while you're there and attempt to have…
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  • For the last four or five years, the blogosphere has been  nauseatingly crammed with talk about "movements" -- either of…
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  • The federal-style, ersatz democracy of the United States is on track for ultimate failure.  It may not happen (or rather,…
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  • Actually, "cockroach" (inyenzi) is the precise word that was used by Hutu Power to refer to their Tutsi "enemies" before…
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  • Well, the guys running the blogs and tending the political money machine aren't inclined to listen to women's stories about…
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  • On the other hand, I really don't get women's timidity online.  Although I'm not shy in offline meetings (at least,…
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  • I don't think there is misogyny, so much as women generally do not fit into their worldview.  I think many…
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  • I have been trying to get myself banned at Big Orange for... gosh, years now.  What do you have to…
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  • Well, maybe she's at least partially right. Bloggers persist no matter their contributions or quality, though most would have little…
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  • President Hillary Clinton - the James Buchanan of the 21st century.
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  • We know that we are the targets and we know that there is a risk.  But all our risks are…
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  • I don't confuse people's willingness to endure inconvenience, or even fear, with a willingness to change society.  Take the recent…
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