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    But supposed to go up to 39F Sunday ... break out the shorts!
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  • We're at -3F or -26F w/ windchill here ...
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  • No apologies plf515 ... This is the perfect place to pimp it. 🙂 And I have been awaiting more of…
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  • peace
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  • It was -44F w/ windchill here this am when I left the house ... brrrrrrrrr! Looks like it's warmed up…
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  • I read what happened in yesterday's cafe. I hope you're okay! That's really scary!
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  • And the photo up top is great! Love photos w/ roads and paths that lead off into the distance.
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  • peace
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  • then it isn't an illusion ... so they are safe. 🙂
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  • ■):)
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  • stick w/ me long enough and maybe I can spoil 'em all ...  ðŸ˜‰
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  • Check out these stickers that were on the car in front of me one morning. To show we have our…
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  • Can't wait to see some ... < hoping >
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  • They lost. How was your Saturday?
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  • You've been a busy bee today. 🙂
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  • I hope it goes swiftly w/out too much pain this time. And if we don't see you for a bit…
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  • How are you?
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  • peace
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  • (h/t biomes blog)
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