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    If you bring it up later, I'll say you were dreaming ... 😛
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  • I'll have to take your word for it. 🙂 Good to hear she's doing fine.
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  • just that I could be around to open a happy hour cafe if need be ... but seeing how much…
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  • I was thinking more of the happy hour/evening cafe when I'd be home ... Seems like the day is covered…
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  • Any luck convincing FM to do that threeway podcast?
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  • And very tiring. How's the grandniece?
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  • Thanks for linkage ... 🙂 Now, if I could just get the podcast thing figured out. 😉
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  • but otherwise okay. So, what kind of cake?
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  • If you need someone to do Tuesday afternoon, maybe I should volunteer ... you know, it is the flower day.…
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  • peace
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  • At this BBC link: US 'Iran attack plans' revealed. [...] BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner says the trigger for such…
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  • CBC Investigation CBC -- [...] Sixty cans of albacore, or "white" tuna, were purchased at nine grocery stores in Vancouver,…
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  • BBC -- Amillia Taylor is believed to be the first baby to have survived following a gestation period of less…
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  • BBC -- Top Republican condemns Rumsfeld [...] When Donald Rumsfeld resigned as defence secretary last November, John McCain said he…
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  • Those catalogues are very dangerous things. 😉
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  • Look at that coleus ... w/ the gold around the edges.
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  • Wishing everyone a pleasant day as well. 🙂
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  • Have you heard how FM's and FMom's bday bash went?
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