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  • Takes a lot of light b/c of the telephoto? I'm getting antsy. 🙂
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  • It's rough being "...a bile and rant and bitterness and chastising of Booman..." spewer. Ya gotta be careful who you…
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  • peace Beautiful poem selection Rub.
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  • No prime ministers day ... although it would be nice to have a holiday in February. 🙂 It's good he…
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  • A busy day then ... 😉
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  • Do you have the day off as well?
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  • What's this I read about your titanium arms ... so that's how you do all those great designs so quickly!…
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  • Nope ... no bannings lol. Ever since I made the switch to the new version of blogger people have been…
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  • A Jim photo today! Is that a 'new lens' Jim photo -- inquiring jealous minds want to know. 🙂
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  • peace
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  • and you call yourself the second most boring couple in the world ... 😛
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  • Great diary. I read it over at dKos as well.
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  • I like the lines of the condos ... 🙂 So what do you do w/ your finished works -- do…
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  • 🙂
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  • Thanks for the link idredit ... Heh: Like the incompetents who couldn't organize a two-car funeral, the remaining Iran war…
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  • The best ... 🙂
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  • Not too much ... actually trying to move as little as possible ha! How about you?
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  • Woo hoo!!
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