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    Guests have left and it will be a very quiet night here ... 🙂
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  • Yikes ... :O
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  • Thanks Head ... 🙂
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  • 🙂 Love these pix too Head.
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  • Sounds like good advice above from Andi, Jim, and Head. I've got both Canon (P&S) and Nikon (D70s) and have…
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  • that car crash ... Snow's not too deep -- but did require shovelling this morning. And our road is covered…
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  • America's approach to torture under this administration is beyond shameful. The images in this exhibit serve as nothing more than…
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  • 6-1 w/ a minute to go. watch here!
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  • Enough to look pretty. And the sun is out for a change. 🙂
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  • So you weren't always the second most boring couple in the world!
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  • You've been holding out on us ... I love that photo! 🙂
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  • Sleep well!
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  • It's 14F right now ... and we do have snow covering the ground that required shovelling, but not a lot…
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  • Yes, it's not clear to me either ... 🙂 How are things otherwise?
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  • I'm w/ ya ... I'm here lurking and reading, but not really sure what to say about well, anything. So…
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  • ... 'cause he'd be buried! 😛
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  • A fine brew NDD ... 😉
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  • I've been thinking about you today. Just saw the local ottawa news and they're reporting on colorado ... see, we…
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