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    You mean over and above the rewards you get for knowing you've given joy to all the BT denizens? :)…
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  • Look! A pretty green box ... 🙂
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  • I'm research past photo fair diaries ... 🙂
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  • ... she went to do her legs afterall ... 🙂 I hope it's not b/c of the migraine tho ...
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  • LOL Good night all.
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  • I wouldn't have let them in either. LOL, I probably wouldn't have answered the door ... sometimes I do that…
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  • together ... 😀 How ya doing refinish?
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  • 🙂
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  • neither
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  • You're not, right? ... 🙂
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  • I hope it slows down for you too. Sounds like you're having a very pleasant afternoon tho, so that's good…
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  • What else did you have? And does Jim ever check his e/m? 🙂
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  • It's good to see you! You've been missed around here and there lately ... 🙂
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  • Is this what you had today Andi?
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  • Andi that is the most beautiful scene you have for us! And Happy New Year!
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  • CBC, Wed Sep 20, 2006 An editorial in the [Wash.] Post on Wednesday said the policy of secret detentions and…
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  • Seriously. Someone fowarded the links to me, saying "Our relationship with them has changed.  It's only a matter of time…
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  • CBC, Fri, 22 Sep 2006 U.S. legislators have agreed on a tentative deal that will let Americans buy prescription drugs…
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