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    what are you having?
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  • not sure ... it might take me a few hours to figure it out 😉
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  • that's important ... I'm glad you did and I'm glad you posted, it will make a difference.
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  • I was in a little earlier this am ... I'm glad you're maintaining a steady course there. No new upheavals…
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  • I'm packing up now, ready to flee the cube. How 'bout yours?
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  • you're famous! Hi...:)
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  • I live in Ottawa ... and I just got back from lunch. I was listening to the local conserv radio…
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  • Just read this, Canada may protest U.S. treatment of tortured man OTTAWA (Reuters) - A formal Canadian protest to Washington…
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  • At U.N., Chavez calls Bush 'the devil' UNITED NATIONS - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez took his verbal battle with the…
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  • Panda bites drunk Chinese man, man bites panda back at Beijing zoo BEIJING (AP) - A drunken Chinese tourist bit…
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  • You sound exactly like FM ... 🙂
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  • Hope you and FMom are feeling better! Catch ya later.
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  • I'm looking forward to seeing your diary!
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  • Hi there FM ... Good to see you!
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  • And as you can see, I've got lots of them!
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  • My, what a big mast you have!
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  • And great link d, er ... Syd 🙂
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  • 🙂
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  • Not even w/ my ah ... mugs? 🙂
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