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    What's your primary camera stormkite?
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  • We don't often get sunsets like that around here ... sometimes in the summer if there's low white clouds then…
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  • ... it's very good mm. Are you still going to work feeling this badly?
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  • Kewl! You could always e/m them if you don't want to post. 🙂 That's too bad about the damage ...…
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  • So did you get around to taking those pix yet?
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  • I wish you were feeling better though.
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  • ... with all these pink flower bits ... and the turtles are cool ... and the bonfire's hot ... ha!
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  • ... than flowers ... 😉
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  • Things are okie-dokie here. 🙂
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  • And one of those is white and pink ... so it doesn't count. 😛 Thanks for that large size --…
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  • No ... it was a little more ... um ... pink. 🙂
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  • YOu can't make statements like that in the cafe Kelly, without proof, ah photographic evidence to back it up ...…
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  • I love these IVG ... they're delicious! ... so you may have a ton of pink poppies, but that's just…
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  • Hey Andi ... guess what? You know that really super-suggestive photo I took that sorta resembles the male anatomy in…
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  • Well, that means you have a range. I'm just stuck on one setting obviously ... 😉
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  • I'm going to add them ... :*
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  • Which ones? The ones in your sig line? How about your b?
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  • Would you mind if I added your site(s) to my b-roll?
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