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    Super ... Omir invented an auto fouring machine and with one click of the button all the cafe comments are…
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  • 😉
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  • And we all stick to her! 🙂
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  • And to zander who also helped establish those early cafes and was such a welcoming presence!
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  • Miss ya Shirl ... huggies and smoochies!!! {{{{{{{{shirl}}}}}}}}} :*
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  • What greater pain could mortals have than this: To see their children dead before their eyes ~Ralph Waldo Emerson peace
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  • Taking a break from 'to do-ing?   I'll have to check in later to see how the party's going. Don't…
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  • You are a tremendous inspiration scribe ... you always come at issues w/ such calm and level thinking and your…
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  • Thank you for creating such a warm and wonderful place ... You and shirl were the first people to welcome…
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  • Hoppy frogiversay to you too LOL! Sending good writing vibes your way ... 🙂
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  • Thanks ... I'll pick them up later tonight. 😉 Possibly rain this aft, but most likely not until Monday or…
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  • I'm trusting Manny too ... cause my brain cells holding that bit of info have been misplaced ... 🙂
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  • There's been a change in plans and it's next week too ... Got anything exciting in store today ... How's…
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  • Happy Anniversary FB. Good morning Andi, FM, Jim.
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  • I'll send you an email tomorrow explaining. Sleep well dude and thx for the furry love ... 🙂
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  • Night.
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  • I'm off too ... Sweet dreams to you too IVG and your furry loves.
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  • I think I better call it a night/early morning. I'm going down to say g'night to d...
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  • I'm thinking if you paste it in the template box, and republished the blog do you see the old settings…
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