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    Did you make a wish?
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  • You rock DJ!!! :*
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  • Missed your return last night... You and IVG were holding down the fort. Sounds like you had a great w/e…
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  • At least I have my chocolate ... 🙂
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  • Ya ... there's been a change in plans ... it's been extended another week ... ARGHHHHH! I'm following your advice…
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  • Glad that you're not suffering after last night w/ too much heat today .. 🙂
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  • I have the "When I despair ..." quote on my wall at home. It gives me a lot of comfort.…
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  • Worried that you and Bu had melted into a puddle last night. 🙂 Enjoy your respite.
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  • Sounds like your plate is full! Be careful with you! And congrats to Wesley ... and hugs to Danni!
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  • Do you think they'd notice if I strung up a hammock in my cube? I could position it so that…
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  • You were up late last night!
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  • Charming in a creepy SFish sorta way LOL ... 🙂 See ya later dude.
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  • But what about Stanley ... 🙂 Good night Andi!
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  • Just leave a comment and then if things get busy, a lurking FroggyBottomer can step in to help you out.…
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  • It's very visually pleasing ... 🙂
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  • It's beautiful!!! And yay on the Saturday cafes!
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  • That sounds horrible ... all of it. Do you think the non-sleeping is r/t the jury duty (d/t worry, stress…
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  • He looks quite comfy in the muck ... 🙂
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