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    Cute ... 🙂
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  • Hi d! Now that's a random post ... 🙂 Nice perspective and pattern w/ the branches and love the red…
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  • lol, no. Spring is still buried under the snow. ::sigh:: 😉
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  • Great random post SN. That one of Nature Girl--eek, and yes, you look remarkably calm and even-keeled there. Great mom…
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  • Beautiful birds Bob. The colours and patterns of their feathers are amazing. Thanks for the links -- I got a…
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  • Hi there FM!!
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  • LOL, thanks. 🙂
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  • New video tutorial site by Scott Kelby and Matt Kloskowski: DtownTV. Join us here each week as Scott and Matt…
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  • LOL, is it ever! That's wonderful ... 🙂 Hi LEP
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  • The pack does a fantastic job holding up the Thursday dog blogging legacy ... 🙂 Giddy has a royal presence…
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  • Please do! Would love to see/read that. That's great that you all got out to the nursing home ... I…
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  • Hi Kidspeak! We saw those all over when we were in France. They are amazing trees -- the mottling trunks…
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  • Hi KS! That's really pretty w/ the yellow and the ice/snow. We've got the cold too ... brrr. Ready for…
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  • Hi Manny! Nice verdigris detail you captured.
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  • LOL.
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  • Hi keres -- the pups are growing so fast! I can't believe how big they are ... 🙂 And the…
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  • Agree w/ both CG and Andi ... It's stunning.
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  • stealth photos Nicely done. 🙂 You captured the detail well ... I love the eyes in the bronze lion.
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  • That is really exciting and inspiring CG.
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  • Hey dude! 🙂
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