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    LOL, very cute.
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  • And they're very persistent ... 🙂
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  • Nice, Bob. A nice view for a windchill temp day. I like the bits of spray in the second shot.
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  • ID has good eyes ... 🙂 Looks like those horses heads light up ... ?  And it looks like they're…
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  • Agree w/ Bob ... compelling photo.
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  • Hi stand strong. Inaction ... And it most definitely speaks. But as you say, it's all talk.
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  • Hi LEP. Thanks for linking. Just came back from viewing and reading. I heard about it on the news here,…
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  • Little daffodil, we're so happy to see you! Morning.
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  • 🙂
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  • That makes it ever more special ... 🙂
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  • Love Bunny ... 🙂
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  • The ferns are wonderful!
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  • Your daffs are blooming? Wow! Lucky ww ... 🙂 That second shot is fantastic ... love the colour tones as…
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  • Hi Head. I guess I'll add my name to the sunflower and purple wall list. The sunflowers are really cheery…
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  • Agree w/ you ID -- cutie!
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  • LOL!!
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  • Love the buildings in the far background!
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  • Hi ID ... I'm w/ everyone else -- that truck is something else. 🙂
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  • LOL ... nice shot!
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  • Hi keres. Love the way sunflower petals curl. That bee is saturated. 🙂
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