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    I'm w/ Andi ... that Koala bear is just beyond cute.
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  • Thanks ID ... 🙂 It's one of the nicest paths along the river here, I think.
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  • LOL ID ... that last photo is fantastic. 🙂 I was reading a post on lifehacker yesterday about various contraptions…
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  • yep -- and no need to even have the flag to make it creepy ...
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  • Hi RF ... adding my delight at seeing you here and sadness that you're  difficulties don't seem to be lessening.…
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  • Hi Head. So, so sorry about Milo ... I'm glad he didn't linger in discomfort, but I'm sorry that you've…
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  • LOL, hi Jim ... 🙂 Laughing over the name of that first pic. Were these from the recent trip? What…
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  • Hi Bob. Perfectly random ... love it. 🙂 I like the lizard peeking its head out. And the tulips w/…
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  • The wings are amazing ... like stained glass.
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  • Love those colours!
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  • Our grass is greening up ... 🙂 Morning CG, Andi.
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  • And yeah, I got down on the snake's level (wet belly photography-WBP*) for the shot. 🙂 *coined by JimF
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  • Hi tampopo. I was strolling along looking at the forest floor -- I was looking for pixie cups -- and…
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  • LOL, yeah ... they can be quite brazen.
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  • LOLOL!!! I'm not sure I'll be able to eat scrambled eggs again w/out thinking of this link (collected in jars…
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  • LOL, that link was hilarious ... 😀 lemony chicken ... interesting!
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  • lol
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  • lol, there's no way to pick just one ... 😉 I liked the top-down view of the afterbirth. Looking forward…
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  • Hi Hurria! Glad you've arrived safely. We'll all be waiting to enjoy your photos and hear about your travels when…
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  • Thank you ... 🙂
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