1 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 671


    Hiya Toni.
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  • That's great! 😀
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  • is one of your most beautiful photos ever.
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  • Beautiful. Yeah, Andi would really love living in a place like that ... 😉 Especially like the second one w/…
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  • What Andi said ... 😀
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  • That sounds really good.
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  • 😛
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  • She's so colourful. What is that orange piece sticking out between the eye stalks?
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  • Fantastic capture of the sun rays ... I love the look of the forests/woods on the West coast. Beautiful.
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  • Love the stillness also -- especially the shot of the street -- is that downtown or main street? It's a…
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  • Jim, how long do you take when capturing these photos. I know you're usually hiking, so does that mean you…
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  • a pic ... 😉 Hi Head ... I really like the diamond in the water droplet, but Ms Pipi always…
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  • Beautiful colours in that sky. All those trails in the sky of delighted visitors to your wonderful city ... 🙂
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  • Fav, hands down ... 🙂
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  • Very creative abstract work! I like the wings too, but the third one is fantastic. Light pouring in from the…
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  • I've seen some fantastic shots taken by homemade pinhole cameras.
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  • 🙂
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  • crossing the border, since you already hold honourary Cdn status ... 😉
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  • The first one -- love the b&w effect.
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