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    The rays coming through are beautiful.
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  • is lovely.
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  • Excellent photos from everyone -- a feast for the eyes today! Some of the best shots are those that weren't…
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  • Hi Bob, what gorgeous colour and play on light and shade. Wonderful framing too. Love it.
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  • Yep, never seen anything like that. 🙂 It's Remembrance Day on the 11th (Tues) which we get off (though not…
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  • ;D Nicely framed through the trees FM. Is that snow on the branches? And I'm w/ Andi ... some pond…
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  • That is stunning! The rock looks liquid ... beautiful.
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  • LOL, haven't heard of a roll up keyboard. As for the waterproofing, might be a good thing if one is…
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  • Yep, saw that link last week and read some of the postings.
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  • Check out the foto flog diary today for a few links to some photo hosting sites (at the end of…
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  • The Friday foto flog is now up: here. The theme this week is light, but no need to stick to…
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  • Agree w/ super and AP, and it's going to be fun watching this one w/ the reflections.
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  • To prove you right ... 😉 Well, I think I'm going to turn in now ... Can't wait 'til Andi…
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  • You did a great job w/ it.
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  • Yeah ... doesn't ... ;P
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  • So how come you're up so late -- isn't it way past your bedtime? 😉
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  • Those are great shots -- that spider and web pumpkin is really impressive! Wow. Love the photo w/ your little…
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  • I messed up and forgot what day it was when I posted last week's theme. So you still have time…
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  • That would work ... 🙂
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