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    Good to see you indeed. 🙂 You're going to have to get those overhead shots to convince Andi, I think.…
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  • Critters! Again, open to interpretation and imagination. 🙂
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  • 🙂 Was over at your b tonight, and it looks like you've got a lot of potential painting material!
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  • What's kitty attacking there -- a chicken?
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  • Love the Grumposaurus Rex. Very cute. Hmmm, yeah ... I think the spiders would be preferable over those others. 😉
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  • Makes me want to go back when I go through mine. 🙂
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  • That is a cute pic.
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  • Looks like you've got a lot of spiders ... lol. Love the silhouette photo!
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  • Are those mountains in the background?
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  • Love the framing. The poor guy ... hope he didn't lose any of his appendages while he was in there.…
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  • The infamous hour glass ... eek. 😉 Nicely captured! Love the roses above.
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  • Very kewl ... I love that one of your parents!
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  • Looks well-loved ... 🙂
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  • What a view you have.
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  • Love it.
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  • Gorgeous ... and the colours as well.
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  • Can't miss that one ... 🙂 Thanks Jim.
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  • What a cutie -- thank you for remembering ... 😀 Great to see you back!
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  • It's good to see you again.
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  • at work ... using IE ... blech.
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