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    Just caught this via boing boing ... AT&T billing site makes jokes about company's participation in warrantless wiretapping?
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  • And the lights ... nicely done SN!
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  • Good to see you ... 🙂
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  • I think my long ... loooooooooonnnnngggggg ... day in cubeville did the trick ... lol ... I'm really dragging right…
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  • You've got it too, have ya ... :/
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  • and why compound the feeling by having to work on top of it ... ;P
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  • no 🙂
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  • can't sleep.
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  • Nice perspective on that second photo. 🙂
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  • Ghostdancers way - it's wonderful to see you here, read your words and learn that you've found a measure of…
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  • Too cute.
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  • Love that sweater too!
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  • Gorgeous view!
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  • LOL, love this one.
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  • Thanks for sharing those pix CG! I was looking forward to see more ever since you posted that top photo…
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  • Love wisteria and look how tall it is ... That is gorgeous! I can't tell from the photo - is…
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  • And I really like the photo you posted of the tree w/ blossoms! So pretty.
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  • Morning everyone. 🙂
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  • Yes! Yes! And what SN said ... 🙂
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