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    LIsten, the Likkudniks are in the same boat with the mullahs and with the pat robertsons of the world, as…
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  • I am not "falling into a trap." You think I'm going to suddenly support a Bush-led invasion of Iran or…
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  • religious extremists who oppress women. I don't care about the context. I don't care about what shitty things my own…
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  • "What if?" indeed. I sort of take that as a given. But I still am not going to sympathize with…
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  • Erm...apparently some fundie Islamic clerics took these cartoons to the Middle East along with others that were NOT published in…
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  • and dramamine if you are throwing up. I am SO sick of fundamentalists of all sorts...I'm with Dan Savage on…
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  • Rosie, it's hard for me to put myself in your shoes, because I'm not facing anything like that in my…
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  • Thanks Ductape, that was truly beautiful.
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  • I'm in So. Cal. What's the scoop?!
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  • And I say this as a person who watches a lot of football...an embarrassing amount of football...really...that "offensive pass interference"…
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  • You could hear the screaming from my house all the way to San Diego! Lisa Pease (a former Seattle-ite) is…
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  • Okay. there was no way that was offensive holding (against the Seahawks that nullified the touchdown), and there is no…
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  • cheese, pancetta, a frozen TJ's spanikopita (sp?), some veggies, different kinds of hummus, crab dip and lots of wine &…
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  • So, Susan, you have power now?! Where are you watching the game? Have you painted your face yet?! I'm rushing…
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  • Nice and quiet...think I'll take a nap!
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  • And I'm even having a small Superbowl gathering...Susan, come to Los Angeles!!!!
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  • But does Susan Hu have no power?! How is she gonna watch the Seahawks tomorrow?! This is important...
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  • Three words. No. Fucking. Way.
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  • I'm in California. I won't go out of my way to support Maria Cantwell. But I don't think that I…
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  • Boston Legal is my TV indulgence! I love it! And that asshole pre-empted it. I didn't get my weekly dose…
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