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    where Former President Bush moves into Springfield? And he and Bart and Homer get into this huge feud? And George…
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  • Hmmm...why don't we test Mr. Barnes' theory by waterboarding him?
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  • Gout?
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  • I read it, what a great piece. I'm not diabetic but this certainly inspires me to take the disease VERY…
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  • I have my AFC loyalties warring with my West Coast loyalties. And on the one hand, the Steelers used the…
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  • GAH!!! Joe Biden - GAH!!!! Of that list, I'd go with Kerry. The potential's there. And I look at it…
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  • Hey, I just tried calling Biden and Landrieu - "mailboxes are full" - heheheh!
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  • Ted Kennedy posted there yesterday, if you haven't seen it. The coolest part is, he had one of his staffers…
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  • One thing, I think that his making the public announcement has put the pressure on a lot of Senators who…
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  • Office called, undying loyalty pledged.
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  • Dang. I think I have to call her office and tell her she now has my undying loyalty...who'da thunk?!
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  • Maybe this is a good sign? I talked to a staffer at Salazar's office who told me, and I quote:…
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  • I just called the Charleston office. Got my comment in and then luckily my cellphone broke up so if they…
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  • Apparently there are several speculative fiction novels which take as their jumping off point that Gore was in the White…
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  • Eric Alterman saw him at Sundance, and Al once again said "no" - although Alterman also stated that he didn't…
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  • You know, there are other photos of Young Howard that I've seen which are...even more revealing. Dang!
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  • Well, don't forget the Military, Chocolate Ink...I gather we're low on cannon fodder.
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  • Thanks, Anom!
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  • I strongly agree with Zesty's take here. I've heard it said that Gore took a bullet for the Constitution on…
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  • Boy I so disagree with Nez. Like maybe we didn't watch the same speech? the audience seemed to be digging…
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