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       "How do you mount a stunning attack on the insurancecos and then end up trying to sell some lame…
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  •     LOL!!!!!!! Obama: ..."Last November, the American people went to the polls in historic numbers and demanded change. They…
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  •   It happens that we've lived for so long in an atmosphere of corruption that we can become so accustomed…
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  •   True.  It's a matter of conscience with me so I guess you won't understand.
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  •   "You really have no idea how politics works."    And you really have no idea how "honesty" works.  You…
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  •  Who said,   "America, we are better than these last eight years. We are a better country than this."  …
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  •     "Now, I welcome a good debate. I welcome the chance to defend our proposals and to test our…
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  •   "Playing softball with these assholes...well, ask Big Dog how that turned out when you try to outsmart them by…
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  •   Isn't that also what campaign contributions to Baucus from the health-care insurance industries or to Barney Frank, from the…
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  •  Under Bush and Cheney, on a bill of major importance to Democrats, the Republicans gave their assurances of a number…
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  •   "strategy and subterfuge"---aren't these nice euphemisms for blatant tickery and double-cross dealings?  Do you mean, when you'd offer "First…
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  •  "I don't understand your objection. The way that policy making is done is that the House passes a bill, the…
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  •     There must be some rationale at work (in the minds of these White House, House and Senate Democratic…
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  •  ... and still manifestly deathly afraid of being hit and called terrible names by an extremist-right Republican party which, in…
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  •     There's an underlying assumption to much (if not all) of the strategy and tactics you and I deplore…
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  •   anatomy of a (bad) con-job:     First I would float the idea that Reid is going to include…
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  •   Since this point is at the core of our disagreement, and since it's a truly essential difference of view…
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  •   I really wonder if federal subsidies are essential in all state's cases.  Granted that in states with quite small…
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  •   "But I don't rely on sources anyway.  They mainly serve as a help if I want to understand something…
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  •  This is from a story in today's edition of The Hill, see at this link:   http://thehill.com/homenews/house/63165-pelosi-seeks-centrist-support-for-liberal-public-option-plan #   Pelosi…
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