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     "While it's not a totally done deal yet, it's beginning to look like Harry Reid will have unanimity in the…
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  •  Now it's my turn to say:  your comment is one of the best, sharpest, insights I've read on any blog…
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  •  "Like Lyndon Johnson, President Obama has to take over the war planning from a previous president. He still has some…
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  •  Hit the moving target:   from Nov. 3rd:   "There never was any chance that the Senate would pass a…
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  •     Okay, I see.     To me, putting it into a budget reconciliation measure is neither easier or…
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  •   "Sen. Joe Lieberman's (I-CT) office is shooting down a report in The Hill that Lieberman has reached an understanding…
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  •        "It's kind of hilarious for you to argue about how logical you are and then fail at…
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  •   "We will only get the change that we are willing to stand up for, not sit around complaining about…
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  •   Yes.  I'm following all that.  And you know what?  It's been so long that I've had this habit of…
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  •    From one of the press accounts I read, the problem is just that: the Republicans won't remove the public…
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  •  You're not just "reporting", you're a partisan advocate---which is all fine, but it's typical of the way you operate to…
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  •    "But, all is not lost. Harry Reid made up for the House's weakness by strengthening the Senate's hand. He…
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  •   Thanks.   In return, I'll admit that, in referring to doing such things as "loading the company up with…
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  •   Exactly right and very, very important---of enduring importance:   Once a list of this size is compiled, however, it…
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  •   RE:   "Purchase of a manufacturing company is investment, not exchange of financial assets - a category meant to…
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  •    Ships That Pass in the Night...   If Lieberman is a "ship" he has to be a garbage-scow" and,…
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  •   All of which, on reconsideration, sounds to me as though for all practical intents and purposes, it is not…
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  •   Quoting you,    "Here's a simple, factual, observation: there is no causal connection between GDP and job growth."  …
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  •   "those Mr. Smith Goes to Washington days"    Okay, I see this means that a filibuster which could go…
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  •   Some questions RE:   "A single senator can delay a vote by two days simply by forcing a cloture…
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