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     You're so right!   In the NY Times report which is linked, entitled, "Victory for Obama over military lobby", the…
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  •   I think this is a bit misleading,       « First, filibusters really don't happen the way they…
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  •  RE:   "Profit = Revenue - Cost Pretty much anything that (legally) reduces cost or increases revenue will be pursued…
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  •    In a previous thread of yours,   "Mr President, do the right thing", I posted a (faulty) link to…
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  •   " I do occasionally pause to note the insanity or regrettable nature of the process, but that can't be…
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  •   I meant to go on, but got lost in the process---   That former system was eventually replaced when,…
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  •    These "insights" aren't new to me.    What we have now as a legislative process came about as the…
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  •     "This game is far from over"...   And, don't forget--- speaking of lives in the balance---such is the…
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  •   "Why would the White House, or Harry Reid for that matter, particularly care whether or not the House's public…
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  •   "Yeah, but it won't work once the PO fails in spectacular and humiliating fashion under regular order."    Really,…
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  •    "...just to please a bunch of grumpy liberals who don't understand process."   [ No condescension there!  ]  …
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  •   Here are my hunches---   Obama and Lieberman are sincerely at odds on many counts (and that is all…
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  •   "Most likely scenario, even if he tried to double-cross us, is that he got played for a fool once…
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  •       "This isn't about whether to pass a public option or not. It's about passing a bill through…
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  •   "figuring out how to pass a piece of legislation like this through our conservative Congress? That, I find interesting."…
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  •  regarding my suggestion to read Andrew Bacevich's conclusions in his book, The Limits of Power, here, for your convenience, is…
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  •     "Over time, the left will come to see Obama as both an idealist and a political genius."  …
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  •    "Conference is where these differences will get ironed out. And that's where my bottom lines will remain: Does this…
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  •     "The analysis in the article is beside the point in context of wealth inequality. And if everything else…
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  •   Well, I readily and enthusiastically subscribe to your emphasis on the distribution of wealth as being the key element…
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