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    Just as ad hominem arguments are fallacies, arguments appealing to emotions are just as useless. No, emotional appeals are only…
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  • In fact, one interpretation of that dubious study referenced in the diary would be that men are earning a premium…
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  • That's as sloppy an assessment of research as I've ever seen. One could just as easily assume that men whose…
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  • I didn't even learn of Kos's statement, until I read the Dole letter. I thought surely it must have been…
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  • I am not trying to shame anyone who left DK... Yes, you are. Red Dan to Kamakhya: I think that…
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  • Very good. I will take you at your word, that you were equally critical of their behavior. That said, I…
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  • So, wait. If I understand you correctly, you will take Shadowthief's inventory because he has a bit of chip on…
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  • "You know, I have never read a book in my whole life. I mean, I'd rather read the Bible. I…
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  • Notice I referenced Milgram, myself, up-thread. That study always comes to my mind, in connection with this torture non-scandal. I…
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  • I have a good friend who works as an adjunct prof, in a couple of inner city colleges, who has…
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  • I haven't told you what you're saying. I've quoted you. And, I do have every right to interpret what you…
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  • As a legal definition, no. As a definition of the intent, or the underlying psychological factors that shape the offender,…
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  • The greater problem of not teaching philosophy and other humanities, is that we are not teaching critical thinking. We are…
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  • What do you think a hate crime is? It's a crime of power. The K K K sees blacks as…
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  • You are minimizing it, when you call any rape a failure to recognize a boundary. It's a little like saying…
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  • The whole entry is far too psychologically revealing. Misogynist, stunted adolescent, omega dog, Madonna/whore complex... just a few observations I…
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  • I couldn't leave it alone. I read it. And, now I feel the need for a shower, and possibly, a…
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  • Please don't minimize acquaintance rape by calling it a failure to recognize a boundary. I speak fluent John Bradshaw-ese, and…
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  • we have to stop viewing rape as a crime of passion. It is a hate crime. It's about dominance, not…
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  • ... I am the history of rape I am the history of rejection of who I am I am the…
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