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    I realize that I'm nit-picking your phrasing, but I'm doing so for a very specific reason, and you and your…
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  • Soy was the second thing I thought of. It's the phyto-estrogens, and they have been linked, at least anecdotally, to…
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  • Oh, please, explain to me how she does this. Her chosen method of contraception is to run off to the…
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  • I am antiwar but I do believe that we will need a strong military as a deterrent and we will…
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  • is tantamount to an urban legend. It's something that the anti-abortion crowd whips out like, "abortion on demand" and "partial…
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  • So everything happens for a purpose, except our choices. And, we should just shut up and except the will of…
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  • [Women] have only recently gained the right to refuse sexual relations with their husbands. That depends on where those women…
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  • No. Because no! I love this. Let's just assume we're dead in the water and start compromising before the process…
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  • I like the scroll boxes. They work well, and allow a good bit of content in a small space. No…
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  • Especially raw honey, if you have it.
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  • Lots of it. It won't necessarily get rid of the cough, but it is a good expectorant and will make…
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  • A lot of Americans have become convinced by the relative brevity and low US casualty rates of our miltary adventures…
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  • I feel your pain. I was thinking about a bit of this earlier, when I read someone's continued justification for…
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  • The WMD case was the one that was made, because a) it was the only case to be made that…
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  • Agreed, but my point is very specific as to evaluating the nobility of the motive. To a lot of liberal…
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  • The laws Ellsburg broke were not minor, and he knew full well that if convicted, he would face a weighty…
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  • It's true that the person or people who leaked Plame's identity broke the law. But Meteor Blade's counter-example is a…
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  • But the law is no respecter of person's. It is supposed to protect and prosecute all people equally, regardless of…
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  • Show off... kidding. Other versions of the Bible on the Continent translated gender-neutral words into female-specific ones. This is a…
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  • Most of what is put out on the internet about the founders and religion is innacurate and can be traced…
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